Would you like to help reduce the use of plastic?

​One of our members recently asked the Campbell dry cleaners if she could bring her own suit holder to put the dry-cleaning in rather than a plastic holder.  They said no they only use their own plastic holders BUT they would be happy for people to return the plastic holders for reuse.  So if you remove the dry cleaners plastic holder in good condition, you can take it back for them to use again rather than just putting in in the rubbish bin to go to landfill. HAPPY DAYS!

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Cane Toads in Campbell!!

The ACT Government is currently responding to an incident involving two cane toads found in Rosenthal Street in Campbell.

It is thought it is a contained incident and the cane toads were most likely accidentally transported to Canberra via a vehicle travelling from Queensland.

It is highly unlikely cane toads will establish a population in the ACT due to Canberra’s colder climate. However, if there are any others they do pose a threat to native and domestic animals so we are treating it seriously.

Staff from ACT Parks and Conservation Service have visited residences near where the cane toads were found and are searching the surrounding area.

Advice if people see what they think is a cane toad:

  • do not kill it as it is most likely a native frog

  • exercise caution and take a close-up photograph

  • wearing rubber gloves and eye protection put into a well-ventilated container with 1cm of water

  • email EPSDInvasiveAnimals@act.gov.au or phone Access Canberra on 13 22 81.

You can visit www.environment.act.gov.au/cane-toads for more information.


Stephen Hughes, Senior Manager, Biosecurity and Rural Services

ACT Parks and Conservation

Cane Toads in Campbell!! Read More »

Bringing Back the Little Birds in Campbell

You, too, have no doubt noticed the significant decline in both the numbers and the diversity of species of little birds in our lovely suburb. Birds such as Eastern Spinebills, Superb Fairy Wrens, Silvereyes and Pardalotes are becoming scarcer as gardens become smaller and predators such as Noisy Miners move in as the shrubberies disappear.

Now for the GOOD NEWS! By planting the right native plants for shelter and providing a constant source of water we can not only bring back the little birds so important to a healthy, diverse eco system but also attract native bees and butterflies.

The attached brochure from Greening Australia sets out great advice on bird attracting natives suited to the ACT. All of these plants can be obtained from Cool Country Natives at 5A Beltana Rd Pialligo (Email: retail@coolcountrynatives. Tel: 02 6257 6666). 


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