Questions from CCA
Answers from TCCS Community Engagement
1. Additional car spots – Item L on the plan. The upgrade plan proposes two additional car spaces which would be located within the dripline under two tall, established trees on the verge on the left hand side by the exit of the car park (Item L). Residents are concerned that building these car parks will disturb the roots and ultimately kill these lovely deciduous trees which provide summer shade and privacy up to the third floor of the Mica building and welcome shade for shoppers and walkers. The Mica developer has planted an appealing, lush lawn on the verge under the trees in advance of leasing the restaurant facing this area. A watering system has also been installed on the verge. The additional car parks will require the removal of this lawned area as well as damaging the trees. We are concerned that “L” is not a viable or optimal solution.
Can the location of these car spots be reviewed? (photos provided) – Suggestion to consider : 1/2-1 hr max lunch time parking on Chauvel and/or White near the shops as an option instead?
Answer: During community consultation we heard the desire for extra car parking spaces and input about the overall parking situation at Campbell Shops. To remedy this, we have proposed alternative time restrictions and two additional parking bays situated in the same location as the former driveway that serviced the petrol station (now demolished). We understand your concern about disturbing the deciduous trees in this area. Our Urban Treescapes team reviewed the site plans and have given approval for works to proceed. During construction mitigation techniques will be in place to protect and support the trees longevity. We understand they remain a valued part of the area.
2. Who will be responsible for maintaining the verges and footpath around Mica when the developer moves off site? TCCS or the Mica owners’ corporation?
Answer: This will be the responsibility of the Mica owners corporation. They will be responsible for any upkeep, mowing, sprinkler systems and the verge grassed area in general.
Answer: The construction tender for the shops is currently open and we expect to have someone engaged to undertake the building works by mid-March. Once the contractor is engaged they will provide us with their Temporary Traffic Management plans and we will have a better understanding of the location of any builders’ parking. The upgrades will be undertaken in a staged manner to minimise disruption to the businesses and community members. TCCS and the successful contractor will coordinate with the traders and keep them informed of upcoming works and timing.
Answer: We can confirm the following improvements have been made: In the 2018/19 financial year the Campbell playground on White Crescent received a new border, repaint, deck refresh, additional soft-fall and a new path to better connect to the nearby shops. The outdoor table also received new paint. The skate ramp had a new border installed, was repainted and received a top up of soft-fall. Regarding the trees, these were not planted and unfortunately only two trees would fit into the available space. We welcome the opportunity to plant additional trees in this area and endeavour to place them into our future planting programme. You are more than welcome to pop in a community tree planting request. As part of the shopping centre upgrades the contractor will clean up the weed species behind the carpark and plant additional plants and trees.